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About Keisuke Sakai

Keisuke Sakai is a music producer, ambient live musician, and synth player living in Tokyo.

While he was in college in San Diego, California in 1998, he learned sound editing, started playing guitar in a local experimental band, and played gigs at venues in Los Angeles. After spending five years in the US, he moved back to Japan, and started producing his own music using a laptop. Most of his music is downtempo and chillout.

In 2012, he moved to rural Japan and began producing ambient sound for museum exhibitions, installations, performing arts, and workshops. The first EP, "Wa No Ne" (sounds of Japan), is a collection of 6 ambient songs. "Mizu Sumu" (Purifying Water), a song from Wa No Ne, has been played over 2 million times on Spotify. According to Keisuke, the song was inspired by the beauty that is found in Japanese seasons. As part of a Japanese performing band, he attended Buddagaya's Bodh Mahotsavd music festival in 2014. In the year 2022, he moved back to Tokyo and spent 6 months in the studio, and worked on his 2nd EP, "Butterfly".